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Title:Lunandco Custom Vaughan Jewellers   -
Description:Luna and Co. provides quality craftsmanship and finishing to every piece of jewellery that it crafts. We specialize in luxury jewellery including engagement rings, gold rings, pendants, earrings and diamond rings. If you want your loved one to know how you really feel, visit Luna and Co. to find the perfect piece of jewellery collection in Vaughan. Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or just want to let your loved ones know how special they are, Luna and Co. has the perfect piece for you. All our diamonds are GIA Certified and comes with a certificate with all the details such as weight, polish, carat and symmetry. You can come down to our store at any time on Monday to Friday between 12pm and 6 pm. We are located at 9100 Jane Street in Concord. You can call us anytime 905-597-8922 or email us at [email protected]. To see our vast collection of the best jewellery in Vaughan, visit now!
Link Owner:Raj Luna
Date Added:July 11, 2017 05:27:12 AM
Number Hits:115
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