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Title:Guarantor Loans   -
Description:TFS Loans provide Guarantor Loans. This type of loan is suitable for people who are unable to use the high street lenders - perhaps because of bad credit. Loans with a guarantor is the way the lending used to happen - based on relationships and trust - a friend or family member basically vouches for you - and will cover you in the event you are unable to pay the loan. TFS have been established since 2003, and help hundreds of people get a foothold where other lenders won't help. TFS Loans are able to offer Guarantor Loans to residents in the Uk - and the conditions are simple - you need to be able to make the monthly payments, and must have a friend or family member who can act as a guarantor. They must be a Uk home-owner, aged between 18-78, and have a regular income. Bad Credit isn't a problem the way it is with a high street lender. That's the point of a guarantor loan - it is done on trust, and your guarantor vouches for you.
Category:Business & Economy: Finance and Investment: Loans
Link Owner:Hugh Sallows
Date Added:February 16, 2018 12:10:33 AM
Number Hits:171
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