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Title:Charter a yacht at Monaco Grand Prix   -
Description:Bespoke Yacht Charter specialise in yacht charters and boat rentals for the Monaco F1 Grand Prix. Every May, the F1 circus comes to the streets of Monaco and there is no more exhilarating way to watch the race than from the deck of your own charter yacht in the Port of Monaco. Charter yachts of all sizes are available to hire for the Grand Prix and we can assist our clients in obtaining that all important berth for the race weekend. If your own yacht seems excessive, we also offer shared hospitality packages for the Monaco GP on a per-person basis. These packages include daytime race viewing from the deck of a luxury yacht in Monaco harbour, food, open bar etc. Speedboat transfers are provided and clients have the option of sleeping onboard by renting cabins. Monaco GP is famous for its' yacht parties and nightlife and we make sure all our clients have the hottest tickets in town. Contact a charter broker at Bespoke Yacht Charter to discuss your Monaco GP plans.
Category:Recreation & Sports: Travel
Link Owner:Bespoke Yacht Charter
Date Added:September 13, 2017 03:57:20 AM
Number Hits:195
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